Many passages are found in the Bible concerning horticulture plants such as the fig, the vine, the olive, the rose, the lily, and the plant that grew from the mustard seed. In the ancient days, all formal groupings of plants were called gardens. From hortus, the Latin word for garden, has come the term horticulture, which includes everything from the small planting of flowers or shrubs around the cottager, to famous and elaborate formal gardens; from the single plum, fig, or pecan tree growing in the growing in the back yard, to the endless miles of apple and citrus tree wherever they are grown; from the small vegetable garden around the farm home or on the city lot, to the broad acres of onions or tomatoes grown throughout the land. aBroad acres of onions or tomatoes grown throughout the land.The Romans constructed magnificent aqueducts to provide water for there gardens, and Italy continues to be a paradise for those who love horticulture of horticulture.France and England were also cradles for the development of horticulture in all its manifold cradles for the development of horticulture in all its manifold expressions, and the early colonists brought this knowledge and interest to this country. The horticultural societies of Pennsy1- vain, New York, Massachusetts, Georgia, and many many other states exercised a powerful influence in the early years of this country in stimulating the planting of fruit trees. Some of the early orchards would have been a credit to modern winegrowers, with large collections of excellent.
Horticultural Industries
In modern times, horticulture has been separated several fields of specialized interest:
Pomology. Fruit growing is one of the most ancient of horticulture industries, as indicated in records of many of the early civilization of the worlds. In this country, fruit-growing has reached a very intensive stage of development, from the standpoint of technology.The commercial fruit industry of the United States, including citrus fruits, apples, peaches, grapes, pears, strawberries, cherries, plums, and many others, extends over an area of 6 million ares with an annual average production in recent years of 20 million tons and a cash value to the growers in excess of 1000 take million. Tree-nut production averages annually 25,0000 tons with a cash value to the growers of 90million.
Vegetable production is also an ancient horticulture enterprise. Aside from home and marker gardening, vegetable production in the Unites States has been expanded over tremendous areas with the growing of such crops as lettuce, tomatoes, melons, onions, cabbage, and many other truck crops, for shipment railway and truck refrigeration to distant markers. The commercial vegetable industry covers approximately2 million acres with an annual average production of 10 million tons and a cash value to the growers of 1000000 million.
Floriculture & Ornamental Horticulture.
The commercial production of flowers and the production of tree and shrubs for landscape planting are much more recent developments, but both have reached tremendous proportion in a shout period of time. There are at present approximately 6,00 major growers of floral craps and 12,000 others operating on a lesser scales, employing 160,000 people and utilization 210 million square feet of greenhouse space. The wholesale floriculture carp amounts to 3.5 billion and the retail business to 8.5 billion The nurseries of the Unites State have a capital investment of 1 billion and average annual crop value of 99million. Throughout the world, thee are many horticultural industries of outstanding interest and significance, such as the bulb industry of Holland, coffee in Brazil and Central America, bananas in Central and South American, and cacao in several of the tropical areas, principally in Asia and Africa. In the case of cirrus world production, representing many counters, reached the staggering total of 500 million boxes in 2000-2011. In connection with these major phases of production based on type of plant material involved, there are also several important kinds of work that involve various plants in each group. Propagation of plants is accomplished by many different methods, of which see dag is the most common: other methods include the use of various plants parts such as bulbs, rhizomes or tubers, layers or cutting, and finally budding and grafting. These practices are fundamental in the many types of greenhouse and nursery industries: and even in the case of seed age many new techniques are constantly being developed to aid grows.
Precessing of horticulture products by dehydration, pickling, canning, and quick freezing represent another industry that has expanded rapidly in recent years. For example, the canned pack of three vegetable and three fruits in a recent average season was 125 million cases. the pack of reopen vegetable was 990 million pounds: of only three fruits, 300 million pounds: and of frozen citrus concentrates, 50 million gallons. Breeding of horticultural crops and testing of variates are other types of work which continue to be increasing importance from year to year.New materials are being continually introduced from other and new methods of inducing variations have resulted in a much wider range of characters for select. A few yer ago, most frut varieties were the result of chance seedling, but each year an increasing number of new varieties with desirable characters are being made available as a direct result of this breeding program.
Many passages are found in the Bible concerning horticulture plants such as the fig, the vine, the olive, the rose, the lily, and the plant that grew from the mustard seed. In the ancient days, all formal groupings of plants were called gardens. From hortus, the Latin word for garden, has come the term horticulture, which includes everything from the small planting of flowers or shrubs around the cottager, to famous and elaborate formal gardens; from the single plum, fig, or pecan tree growing in the growing in the back yard, to the endless miles of apple and citrus tree wherever they are grown; from the small vegetable garden around the farm home or on the city lot, to the broad acres of onions or tomatoes grown throughout the land. aBroad acres of onions or tomatoes grown throughout the land.The Romans constructed magnificent aqueducts to provide water for there gardens, and Italy continues to be a paradise for those who love horticulture of horticulture.France and England were also cradles for the development of horticulture in all its manifold cradles for the development of horticulture in all its manifold expressions, and the early colonists brought this knowledge and interest to this country. The horticultural societies of Pennsy1- vain, New York, Massachusetts, Georgia, and many many other states exercised a powerful influence in the early years of this country in stimulating the planting of fruit trees. Some of the early orchards would have been a credit to modern winegrowers, with large collections of excellent.
Horticultural Industries
In modern times, horticulture has been separated several fields of specialized interest:
Pomology. Fruit growing is one of the most ancient of horticulture industries, as indicated in records of many of the early civilization of the worlds. In this country, fruit-growing has reached a very intensive stage of development, from the standpoint of technology.The commercial fruit industry of the United States, including citrus fruits, apples, peaches, grapes, pears, strawberries, cherries, plums, and many others, extends over an area of 6 million ares with an annual average production in recent years of 20 million tons and a cash value to the growers in excess of 1000 take million. Tree-nut production averages annually 25,0000 tons with a cash value to the growers of 90million.
Vegetable production is also an ancient horticulture enterprise. Aside from home and marker gardening, vegetable production in the Unites States has been expanded over tremendous areas with the growing of such crops as lettuce, tomatoes, melons, onions, cabbage, and many other truck crops, for shipment railway and truck refrigeration to distant markers. The commercial vegetable industry covers approximately2 million acres with an annual average production of 10 million tons and a cash value to the growers of 1000000 million.
Floriculture & Ornamental Horticulture.

Precessing of horticulture products by dehydration, pickling, canning, and quick freezing represent another industry that has expanded rapidly in recent years. For example, the canned pack of three vegetable and three fruits in a recent average season was 125 million cases. the pack of reopen vegetable was 990 million pounds: of only three fruits, 300 million pounds: and of frozen citrus concentrates, 50 million gallons. Breeding of horticultural crops and testing of variates are other types of work which continue to be increasing importance from year to year.New materials are being continually introduced from other and new methods of inducing variations have resulted in a much wider range of characters for select. A few yer ago, most frut varieties were the result of chance seedling, but each year an increasing number of new varieties with desirable characters are being made available as a direct result of this breeding program.